Since 1985, Bahamas Family Planning has been drawing community attention to the relationship between family planning and economic stability. We will not tire from advocating for the reproductive health and rights of all Bahamians, especially poor, young women.
BaSHRA is committed to ensuring sexual rights and human rights in the provision of our clinic services, educational programs, and advocacy for members.
The Bahamas Sexual Health and Rights Association (BaSHRA), formerly known as Bahamas Family Planning Association is an ongoing public health initiative centered on the effort to inform, educate, influence and support a safe and pleasurable sexual well-being. BaSHRA strives to impact the discourse of sexual health and sexual rights in order to effect a positive and respectful approach to sexual relationships and sexuality.
Sexual Health as defined by the World Health Organization; the state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, reproductive health or sexual health/hygiene